Neural Arts offers several courses (and building more) on key aspects of body-mind cultivation:
Now Open for Enrollment: Neuro-physiological Integration [NPI; KAP] — available in English or Spanish / disponible en Español — for the development of powerful and practical mind-body skills; a platform for developing non-ordinary consciousness and its integration with mundane consciousness.
Neural Active Framework (NAF): one-stop shop driver’s manual for the brain; a meta-framework to contextualize and catalyse your existing life practice and goals.
Psychedelic Integration for managing and integrating insights and shifts from psychedelic experiences into grounded, somatized awareness. (Note: this course is now fused into the NPI course.)
Neuro-physiological Integration (NPI; KAP)
Neuro-physiological Integration (NPI) is a simple set of skills that engages the actual biological shifts experienced during the awakening of the body-mind’s amplified capabilities, and then smoothly expands the body’s neural and endocrine networks to make the physiological shifts permanent. NPI is equally useful and pertinent for expanding everyday experience to include and integrate with non-ordinary experience and vice versa.
Neural Active® Framework
Gabriel Axel Montes’ own Neural Active Framework (NAF) is a practical approach to body-mind cultivation designed according to the brain’s innate cognitive processes. NAF facilitates development of desired traits of consciousness and their integration into the personality by aligning experience with neuroscientific functionality. NAF is also suitable as a framework for consciousness research.
Mantras are powerful sound tools that work as sound events in the body-mind and progressively bring the body-mind into new realms of consciousness and possibility.
Coming soon…
Psychedelic Integration
Psychedelic experiences are increasingly commonplace and often leave journeyers bewildered, sometimes with pressing existential and life-changing implications. Grounded in over a decade of experience and science, Gabriel offers structured guidance and a toolkit in the form of a course for healthy well-rounded integration of psychedelic experience into life.