Virtual Reality
Neural Active VR leverages deep insights from years of self-cultivation through various mind-body practices in order to drive VR experiences that are both immersive and uncommonly profound.
Reality has always been virtual. With VR technology, however, we now possess an artificially aided reach into directing our experience. The techniques offered by mind-body traditions over the course of history have served as tools for modifying experience, however they have required sustained practice using internal visualisations and completely self-directed states of attention. Neural Active VR couples mind-body methods with neuroscientific insights and virtual environments to potentiate self-cultivation.
Neural Active VR develops experiences in collaboration with academic labs and private entities. Our current focus is on neurorehabilitation and entrainment of enhanced mind-body states using biofeedback.
A collaboration with BeAnotherLab/ The Machine To Be Another (Barcelona, Spain)…